Publicerad: 2025-01-28







Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

· We want to expand our team of cleaners and are looking for new colleagues in Stockholm and WestCoust, Orust. Our core values are Relationship and Delivery, together we work to offer world-class cleaning.

· Our customers are primarily private individuals in Stockholm and Orust with surrounding area. We first and foremost use biotechnical cleaning detergents which are gentle on you, the customer and the customer's home.

· We want you to:

· - Have experience of home cleaning

· - Speak Swedish and / or English

· - Value a clear and open dialogue

· - Live up to our high expectations of delivery and that you in turn have high expectations of us as an employer

· We always provide good working conditions and a collective agreement. It is important for us that you feel happy and appreciated when working with us and the customers you help. We hope to achieve a long-term relationship and believe that is beneficial for all parties.

· We hope we have sparked your interest, if so don´t hesitate to get in touch!

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov.

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